Why Meditating Will Help You Make More Money In Crypto


Noam Levenson
5 min readOct 4, 2022

Ha. How do you like that clickbait title?

But it’s true and I’ll tell you why. Because meditation teaches you how to be in control of yourself and 99% of people have no idea how to be in control.

They are enslaved to their emotions, and when it comes to money — and especially crypto— the results are devastating.

If you want to make money in the market, you have to act differently from the herd — you know…the herd that is enslaved to their emotions. To act differently, you have to be able to think differently. If you want to think differently, you need to be able to access a different state of consciousness.

Buy low and sell high! That’s the secret, right?

So why is it so damn hard?

Because your emotions have you tied around their little finger. You dance when they tell you to dance. You sell when they tell you to sell.

Remember the last time the market was skyrocketed or crashing? Remember how you felt? Remember how you almost wanted to buy or sell just to stop feeling the way you were feeling. Yeah, I know that feeling. And this is exactly the shit we need to learn to stop doing.

But who is the you that your emotions are manipulating? This is what meditation teaches you. When you sit and close your eyes, it is just you and all the shit that is swirling around you, drawing your attention to it like a magnet.

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You see, you are pure consciousness. This is the part of you that is aware. It is the part of you that simply is. It is beyond thought, it is beyond emotion, it is beyond any form. When you meditate, you sit in the seat of your consciousness and simply watch. You watch as thoughts arise. You watch as emotions arise.

When you focus on something, you give it the power of your awareness which actually keeps it there in your reality. So when you fight an emotion or thought, you’re only giving it more energy. You learn this quickly in meditation. You can’t fight your mind and win.

So what happens when you stop focusing on your thoughts and emotions? Where does that energy flow?

The answer is that it flows back in on itself. Consciousness becomes aware of consciousness. The same way that by focusing on your thoughts and emotions, they get stronger, when you focus on your consciousness, it becomes stronger — more magnetized.

What happens if you do this enough is that the power of your pure consciousness is stronger than any other force in this world. No matter how emotional, how triggered, how stressed you get, nothing can pull you out of that place.

When that happens, you become free. You become of the 1%. You enter God-mode.

When you do this, you can now analyze investment decisions with no ego, no fear, and no scarcity mindset. You can make decisions on when to buy and sell clearly. You can finally think apart from the herd — you know…the herd that is enslaved to their emotions.

  • To win in the market, you have to act differently than the majority.
  • To act differently, you have to be able to think differently.
  • If you want to think differently, you need to be able to access a different state of consciousness.

If you or your organization would like to learn how to find more flow, creativity, joy, and inspiration (while making more money), reach out to me at Find-Flow.com.

But the main reason that meditation helps you be a better investor/trader is…

It helps you be more comfortable where you are. So many people carry so much tension and unhappiness in the present moment. Because they are unhappy now, they need something in the future to save them.

This is often money. “When I get rich, then I will be/feel….”

This thinking is rooted in fear. This thinking is rooted in scarcity and delusion. You cannot play poker if you afraid of losing. You cannot be in a relationship if you are afraid of it ending. And you cannot be a good trader/investor if you are afraid of not making it.

And you will always be afraid of not making it as long as you think that money will save you from your suffering.

When you meditate, you feel what it’s like to actually feel ok. You realize that you’re enough where you are. You feel the utter joy and peace of being aware and present and connected to life.

Whatever comes after is cherries.

So when you meditate, you free yourself from this delusion and allow yourself to step into your power to make good and wise decisions. You will reap the benefits quickly and surely.

How To Practice Meditation:

I promise you that if you take 15 minutes first thing when you wake up, you will profoundly shift your life.

Why first thing in the morning? Because thoughts and emotions build momentum the more you think them. Sleep resets everything. So when you meditate first thing, you have the opportunity to recreate the mind patterns you actually want, not just the ones you’ve been programmed to think.

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight and set a timer for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Close your eyes and ask your who am I? When you notice anything come up (whether a thought or an emotion or a sound), simply ask yourself: “is this me?” If it is not you, remove your attention from it, and put your attention back on whatever “you” is.
  3. Feel as though you are taking steps backwards deeper into yourself. Your mind is super tricky. It will make think you are just observing when you are actually thinking.
  4. You are never fighting your mind. You are not trying to stop thinking. You are simply watching yourself think.
  5. When your meditation is over, ask yourself, “how do I want to think?” Practice feeling the way that you want to feel. This is much easier now that you created some distance between you and your mind. Practice feeling powerful, excited, clear, rich, and at peace.

Please leave any comments below!

If you or your organization would like to learn how to find more flow, creativity, joy, and inspiration (while making more money), reach out to me at Find-Flow.com.


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Noam Levenson
Noam Levenson

Written by Noam Levenson

Writer exploring crypto, economics, and politics. I publish my deep dives here (https://noamlevenson.com) & weekly updates (https://theblockprint.substack.com)

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